Why Energy Intuitive Healing?
Read about Amy’s energy medicine approach below! If you have questions, contact her here .
Everything is energy. The human energy field is vibrantly alive, aware, and acutely sensitive. It is constantly adapting to both internal and external stimulation. When energy is out of balance we can experience emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical challenges. How do you know if energy healing will work for you? If you see imbalances in your life, there is an imbalance in your energy system.
Restoring the subtle energy body encompasses the energy systems and fields that run through and around our bodies and becoming aware of the energy in the environments we live in. The physical body is an antenna that picks up these subtle signals. Learning to tune into what the body is experiencing and sensing uncovers pathways to the parts of your subconscious experiences and choices that are often well-defended in other modalities of healing. Practices can be developed to support equilibrium and heal unresolved aspects of our lives we didn’t know possible.
We are tapped into and manifesting experiences from this life, family systems, ancestral trauma, other lifetimes, and collective pain. Through the breath, focusing your attention on what is happening in your subtle energy system, somatic releasing, expanding your awareness, shifting your perceptions, and making powerful choices to live intentionally, we are able to transform what blocks you from reconnecting to who you long to be… feeling how you want to feel… and creating the life your heart desires.